Meet The Team Behind Mayhem: Come See Us At These Upcoming June 2023 Events

June is here, and we have exciting news queued up for the middle of the month. Stay tuned!
Last month, we participated in GlueCon and hosted a webinar on uncovering vulnerabilities in open source software.
We have 4 upcoming events planned for June 2023:
- Mayhem Unleashed Webinar: Discover our Next Generation Security Testing Solution
- DevSecOps Roundtable
- CyberSecurity Summit Hartford
- ForAllSecure APFT (Adversary, Penetration, and FuzzTesting) Training
Read on to learn more about June’s events. We hope to see you there!
Mayhem Unleashed Webinar: Discover our Next Generation Security Testing Solution
Are you ready to revolutionize your DevSecOps workflows? Look no further!
We are thrilled to invite you to an exclusive live demonstration of Mayhem, our flagship product, where we will showcase how it will transform the way you approach application and API testing.
Where: Virtual
When: June 21, 2023 | 1pm EST / 10am PST
Why Attend?
Experience Mayhem in Action
- Get ready to witness the magic unfold as we demonstrate how Mayhem automatically generates thousands of intelligent tests to identify defects in your apps and APIs.
- Say goodbye to manual testing and hello to efficient, comprehensive security testing that saves time and boosts productivity.
- Gain invaluable insights into how this developer-first solution can seamlessly integrate into your DevSecOps workflows, empowering your team to identify vulnerabilities early and prevent security breaches.
Learn from Industry Experts
- Our team of seasoned professionals will guide you through the key features and best practices of Mayhem.
- Robert Vamosi, Director of Product Marketing
- Sheldon Warkentin, Head of Developer Experience
- Vincent Lussenburg, Director of Sales Engineering
- Lakshmia Ferba, Product Marketing Manager
Q & A
- Get your burning questions answered by our knowledgeable experts.
- Share your feedback and shape the future of Mayhem.
Take advantage of this opportunity to join the DevSecOps revolution with Mayhem. Reserve your spot today by clicking on the registration link below:
Register for the webinar here.
DevSecOps Roundtable
DevSecOps best practices are increasingly being adopted to better secure software supply chains.
The challenge? Making sure developers not only embrace these practices but also keep up the pace of building and deploying applications.
Let's talk about how to optimize these processes while maintaining our momentum.
Where: Virtual
When: June 12 / 1 p.m ET
Why Attend?
Join top DevSecOps experts as they discuss how DevSecOps brings development and cybersecurity teams together. Learn how to shift application security further left with less friction.
Meet our speakers and register for the DevSecOps Roundtable here.
Hartford CyberSecurity Summit
Get ready for the very first Hartford Cyber Security Summit, where C-Suite and Senior Executives responsible for protecting their companies' critical infrastructures will connect with innovative solution providers and renowned information security experts.
Where: Hartford, CT
When: June 13, 2023
Why Attend?
This educational forum will focus on educating attendees on how to best protect highly vulnerable business applications and critical infrastructure. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet the nation’s leading solution providers and discover the latest products and services for enterprise cyber defense.
Register for the Summit here.
ForAllSecure APFT (Adversary, Penetration, and FuzzTesting) Training
Learn from DARPA’s Cyber Grand Challenge Winner, ForAllSecure, on how to build and test better software. The CGC tested automatic defensive systems capable of reasoning about flaws, formulating patches and deploying them on a network in real time.
The ForAllSecure APFT Training Covers The Basics Of Adversarial and fuzz testing, and includes a lab component using open source tools.
Where: Fort Sam Houston Community Center, TX
When: June 13, 2023 1pm-3pm
Why Attend?
In this training course, you will learn how to perform adversarial and fuzz testing on applications, and recommendations for integrating APFT into a development pipeline. By the end of this course, you will:
- Understand dynamic analysis, its importance in software security, and how it compares to static analysis.
- Understand how to use Mayhem for binary analysis, as well as open-source fuzzers such as AFL and Libfuzzer.
- Run Adversarial Testing on executable (aka "binary") programs
- Reproduce infamous and interesting exploits.
Contact us by June 9 to register for this event.
May Events
In May, the Mayhem team participated in GlueCon and hosted a webinar, “Use Open-Source Safely: How to Uncover and Address Vulnerabilities in Open-Source Libraries”

Our Director of Sales Engineering, Vincent Lussenburg, gave a talk at GlueCon last month: “Test Like a Hacker: Putting Offensive Cybersecurity Into Your Build Process”. During his talk, Vincent went over why you should test your applications like a hacker, the four steps to testing like a hacker, and how you can automate testing like a hacker with Mayhem.
Webinar: Use Open-Source Safely: How to Uncover and Address Vulnerabilities in Open-Source Libraries
Alex Brewer, our Technical Solutions Engineer, gave a talk in our second monthly “Webinar Wednesday” on how to identify and address vulnerabilities in open-source libraries.
Participants learned:
- The role of open-source libraries in software development and the common vulnerabilities they introduce
- Techniques for identifying and assessing vulnerabilities in open-source libraries, including manual and automated methods
- Best practices for addressing vulnerabilities in your code, including patching, version control, and risk management
- Real-world examples of open-source library vulnerabilities and how they can be exploited
- Strategies for mitigating the risks of open-source libraries in your software development process
This webinar is designed for software developers, IT professionals, security engineers, and anyone else who is interested in learning about the topic.
If you missed it, learn how to secure applications with open-source libraries by watching the recording here:
Meet with the Team Behind Mayhem
Thanks to everyone who attended our May events.
If you haven’t had the chance to meet the Mayhem team or aren’t familiar with what we do, come join us at one of our upcoming events.
We’d love to talk about how Mayhem makes security testing easy for development teams by automatically generating test cases and only reporting exploitable, confirmed risks that produce actionable AppSec results.
We look forward to seeing you soon!